Born For You is my first published novel. It is the first installment in a series about four young English aristocrats, who become close friends while attending Eaton. Each book depicts a different path to manhood and the young women, whom none of the four would have ever described as their perfect and ideal English wife.
My Inspiration is derived from classic fairytales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. These stories, along with the presence of noble dukes, earls, and princes, as well as the sights of sparkling ball gowns swirling to melodic classics have always captivated my imagination and dreams since childhood. My love for history, particularly the Regency Era, stems from the exploration of women finding their voice in a time when they had none. This passion has guided me in creating stories where an initially unsuitable hero and heroine embark on a journey into an imaginary world seeking the happily ever after that we all desire.
I credit the works of Jane Austen, Fielding, Thackeray, and Richardson for their contributions in opening the doors of the 18th and 19th centuries. Additionally, I am grateful for the exceptional works of the historical novelist, Georgette Heyer for empowering me to put pen to paper and create my own imaginative world set in that enchanting time and place.
Born for You is primarily set in London during The Season. The plot centers around a young lady who is born into a life of wealth and privilege. At the tender age of six, her life is devastated by the unexpected death of her parents. Growing up in the English countryside, where there were few rules and little guidance, she is unprepared for the sophisticated and sometimes cruel society of London’s haute ton. The situation is further complicated by the confusing relationship with her ward’s family, especially their only son, who she has always loved and adored.